
So I helped everyone out with a bit of advice on strategy. “Instead of randomly looking around,” I said, “choose a specific part of the dojo each day and focus your attention there.” Just like in our martial arts practice, it’s very helpful to break things down into manageable chunks. If we look at an entire T’ai Chi form, we might get overwhelmed at the prospect of learning it all. Even trying to learn a more complicated single posture or one partner in our Kung Fu forms can be daunting. Instead, take one piece at a time and get it. Figure out what the feet are doing and get that down. Then get the hands. Move your core in the right way. Then put it all together. Voila.

After this, several students started making a concerted effort for a few minutes before and after every class. They walked over to the wall where our wooden practice weapons are held and inspected it, inch by inch. I saw their determination and knew it was only a matter of time until somebody found the red spot. Sure enough, a few days later after the daytime adult martial arts class, Kevin called me over to the bathroom. I could see the excitement on his face. “I think I found the spot, sir,” he said. He pointed right at it. I smiled and nodded. We were both so thrilled we had a lapse in etiquette and high-fived right there.

We sat and talked for a few minutes. He told me as soon as he started looking for the red spot weeks ago, he had told himself he was going to be the first person to find it. He knew it. Watching him look for it, I’m pretty sure I knew he would be the first person to find it. Kevin spent more time and focused energy on his search than I honestly thought anybody would. Like many of my students do at some point, he surprised me with his determination and effort. I could tell he wanted it, and was willing to do what it took.

This is another very important quality that we learn from practicing martial arts and meditation. Determination and focus are key, but we often get in the way of ourselves. The hardest part of developing our inner qualities can be doubt. We doubt ourselves, and we doubt the process.

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